Tuesday, October 27, 2009
27 ← Book
为什么会有人疯掉?为什么会有人自杀?这些种种原因都是因为一个*书*字。历史对将来有用吗?去见工老板会问你历史嘛?会问你秦始王到底烧了几本书哦?你去问大老板他都未必能回答。。。英文马来文的novel和karangan,学校每年都在重复教,还要什么鬼format?难道我们聊天时要说到novel里的情节吗?还有karangan是要我们写信哦?现在什么年代了就不能打电话或sms吗?华语名句精华还有那些词类背来好玩吗?难道结婚时,牧师还会问你什么词哦?只要你会说我愿意就可以咯。。名句精华就跟加废咯!用来骂人哦?还是要学孔子吗?不要COPYCAT啦!!!难道你没看电视?人家都在用*吊*吗?不要误解。。周董也说过,你们真是屌!很屌!超屌!(厉害=超屌嘛!)数学会加减乘除就可以了啊!还要学那些graf,matrices, transformation一堆废的来干嘛?难道会数学,你的工钱就高点哦?我不如去买计算机?搞笑死!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Green Tea
肌肤油腻 粉刺 毛孔粗大
Deep Sea Cardamon
肌肤油腻 痘痘 黑头
Volcano Ash
肌肤晦暗 无光泽 有油光
Monday, October 5, 2009
25† ngek ngek ngek =)
=p work things out, dear Audrey
it's up to you (good)
give it a try or not, still, your decision
so are you game?
I'm a shy guy
respect for privacy please
you said that you're patient, you could prove that

but don't worry, I won't give you a very long wait
matchmaker=not romantic :(
makes it easier for you*
after we bond, I promise no secrets
and I rarely talk to girls
so if I come by one and get into a relationship
I would really really treasure it
by the way, thanks
*hugs*for giving a very "strawdoll" response
I wanna see you smiling in school tomorrow xD
remember, "smile"
Do not frown, you do not k
that someone might fall in love with your smile." xD
it's up to you (good)
give it a try or not, still, your decision
so are you game?
I'm a shy guy

respect for privacy please
you said that you're patient, you could prove that

but don't worry, I won't give you a very long wait
matchmaker=not romantic :(
makes it easier for you*
after we bond, I promise no secrets
and I rarely talk to girls
so if I come by one and get into a relationship
I would really really treasure it
by the way, thanks
*hugs*for giving a very "strawdoll" response

I wanna see you smiling in school tomorrow xD
remember, "smile"
Do not frown, you do not k

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